With over 700,000 views in the first 24 hours alone, the buzz worthy video also landed on the YouTube homepage and went on to score "most viewed" status on the YouTube charts on November 9.
The epic song is currently available for download on iTunes (via the link below) and gives fans an introduction to Monroe's upcoming solo debut.
"All of my music is written straight from the heart, so I hope people really feel something when they hear my songs," says Monroe. "I couldn't be more excited that people all over the world are embracing 'Like I Do,' and I can't wait to get more of my new music out there."
Shot against a scenic Southern California backdrop, "Like I Do" takes Monroe from the studio to the coast to the Hollywood Hills as he expresses his unending devotion. Directed by Barney Patterson, the video brings to life Monroe's modern take on the classic love song.
While "Like I Do" marks his music video debut as a solo artist, Monroe is no stranger to performing. His remarkable voice has taken him to both stage and screen, including Broadway and touring productions of Beauty and the Beast and The Sound of Music, a run with pop/R&B group V Factory and a stand-out performance in the 2009 Fame remake.
Monroe will take a new direction in 2012 with upcoming projects - including his debut solo album.

Asher Monroe – Like I Do