Billboard reports the charges come from Colwel Platinum Entertainment, which has been marketing a new Lambert album entitled "Beg For Mercy."
According to the lawsuit, between April 2007 and September 2008, Lambert performed compositions that he had written, alone and with others, for the company, which says it spent more than $200,000 to produce the recordings and advanced money to Lambert so he could pay his living expenses at the time.
“Beg For Mercy” was recently released via; Lambert’s legal team quickly filed notice with Amazon and the company removed the new Colwel-produced release from its website on October 14.
Another possible fallout from the pending legal situation is the topic of whether or not Lambert broke Idol’s rules of being involved in a music industry contract prior to signing up for the series, which is against the show’s policies.
Colwel says Lambert entered into a contractual agreement with them in February of 2008, a few months before Adam auditioned for Idol.
For more on the story, check out Billboard here.

Adam Lambert – Whataya Want From Me