The Hollywood Reporter says Adam Lambert is wrapping up a settlement of a lawsuit brought by a former record label over recordings made by the singer prior to his appearance on American Idol.
In November, the singer was sued by Colwel Platinum Entertainment after he blocked their efforts to market a Lambert album entitled “Beg For Mercy.”
The album was released last fall via; Lambert’s legal team quickly filed notice with Amazon and the company removed the new Colwel-produced release from its website on October 14.
Colwel responded by suing Lambert for making a false claim under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
THR reports the attorneys for both parties recently submitted a request to extend the time that certain papers had to be submitted. According to the stipulation, "The parties' transactional counsel have negotiated and agreed upon the material terms of a settlement...reflected in a series of emails between said counsel."
The judge was told that an executed agreement would be completed by Friday.
Read more at The Hollywood Reporter here.
Lambert will release his sophomore album, “Trespassing,” on March 20.

Adam Lambert – Better Than I Know Myself
See also:
Adam Lambert: New album in March, single next week
Adam Lambert sued by former record company