Adam Lambert is such a fan of Glee that he wants to be on the show.
Lambert tells the Hollywood Reporter that he thinks the Fox show “really paints a picture of what it’s like to be an arts kid in high school. Glee is really irresistible -- it's charming.”
As for an appearance on the program, Adam says its up to the producers.
“I don't know, ask them,” he says. “I think there were murmurs about it. Hopefully, maybe now that I have some new music, I could go on there.”
Lambert will release his sophomore album, “Trespassing,” on March 20.
And what type of character would Adam want to play on the show?
“I want to just be me,” he says. “Why do I have to be a fictional character?”

Adam Lambert – Better Than I Know Myself
See also:
Adam Lambert close to settling lawsuit with former label
Adam Lambert: New album in March, single next week
Adam Lambert sued by former record company